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New Sights, New Friends

So, after dealing with the slimey slug, coffee with our hosts and breaking down camp, we set off again, with the laundromat in Bandon as our first destination. We washed the sleeping bag and then set out to continue on our shot stops before our planned overnight with our next Bunk-a-Biker in Brookings.

I just can't get enough of these amazing cliffs and beaches. We made a stop at a lighthouse that took you way back in time, watched a wind surfer, met a few more bikers. For the most part it was just a laid-back, casual day except for the cold wind. I don't think I've been warm since we got to the coast!

We had our fun and then rolled into Brookings to meet our host, John, and his family. John was hosting two other bikers, too, so when we got there, they already had their camp setup in the yard. John settled us into his RV with very comfortable accommodations. He and Michelle go above and beyond for their guests. I was able to grab a hot shower, and then with cold beers in hand we all sat on the deck for dinner and desert while swapping stories all night. The other two bunkers, a gentleman from England and the other gentleman from Nova Scotia, were fun to listen to. I honestly didn't want the night to end! It's amazing how the Bunk-a-Biker community meets for the first time and instantly you're family.

I will never forget John and Michelle's hospitality or our fellow bikers from afar!

Today we're crossing into California to visit the Redwoods.

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